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博客來-Let』s Eat!: What Children Eat Around the World博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010605810
"I don't know about you, but I've always been really curious about what other people eat. Being nosy is how I've got some of my best ideas as a chef-and discovered some of my favorite things to eat." -From the Introduction to Let's Eat by Jamie Oliver, The Naked Chef
A beautifully photographed introduction to the way children from around the world eat
What we eat says a lot about who we are and where we come from. The five children in this book live in very different countries, and they each have their own ideas about what tastes good. But they have lots in common, too: they all go food shopping and help with the cooking, share mealtimes with their families, eat special foods to celebrate, and have things they love to eat and things they definitely don't.
Endorsed by Jamie Oliver, The Naked Chef, this vibrant companion book to Wake Up, World! is a friendly and fascinating introduction to the way people eat and live around the world.
Beatrice Hollyer
Beatrice Hollyer has spent much of her time as a journalist, writer, and newscaster. She began her career in South Africa before moving to the United Kingdom, where she works as a freelance writer. She is also the author of Wake Up, World!
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